Charles had his Grapevine Senior Pictures taken on his spring break from his Military Academy in Harlingen, Texas. Grapevine is his home and that’s why he wanted to make sure his senior pictures were in Grapevine, his old stomping grounds where he spent so much time. We started his Grapevine Senior Session in studio utilizing both strobe lighting and natural light and he was able to wear his military uniforms. We proceeded to Main Street in Grapevine, then to the forest and the lake where we ended the day at sunset in Katy’s Woods on Lake Grapevine.
If you have never been to Katy’s woods, let me tell you it’s one of my favorite places to take senior pictures in Grapevine on the lake. It has so many different vistas and elevations. Bright colors and depending on the time of year and how much rainfall we’ve had, it always has a differing look.
If you are looking for some senior pictures in Grapevine or in any of the surrounding communities,
Contact Us Today